The proposed project is based on an intervention that aims at requalifying the existing building without altering or modifying the aesthetics of the facades. Therefore most of the intervention evolves around a new shingle structure with integrated photovoltaic louvers and solar panels that will contribute to the production of thermal and electrical power needed by the Ater office building. Moreover the new canopy structure creates a new plaza in the backside of the building that is open to the penetration of natural ventilation but, at the same time, protected from direct sunlight and it will have a double function and house open air parking spots and a green area with outdoor fixtures and rest areas. Most of the roof structure’s surface will be exploited also by a green surface that will improve the overall thermal and acoustic insulation of the building. This green roof will be self sufficient because the rain water will be collected, drained by the soli and recycled.
As far as the facades go, the intervention will only concern the glazed surfaces that will be substituted with new compound glazed surfaces with integrated fixed louvers. This new glazed system has a high reflection capacity that will lower significantly the transmittance values of the glazed surfaces.

With: Eng. Massimo Panini, Eng. Fausto Panini, Lamberto Nicoletti, Laura Pedata, Gabriele Misso.
Collaborators: Maria Luigia Micalella, Valeria Giampà

AWARDS: Third Prize Winner
PROGRAM: Requalification of a Public Building
DATE: June 2009
CLIENT: A.T.E.R., Ordine degli Architetti della provincia di Latina
AREA: 6000 m2
RELATED LINKS: Europaconcorsi